Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Student Code of Discipline

Agoo Computer College
Agoo, La Union

Guidance Office
Student Code of Discipline
The admission of a student to ACC/P constitutes a silent contract between the college and the student. Hence, the student will agree on all rules and regulations of the college. To that extent, a certain amount of discipline is required, and consequently, every student behaves in such a way that he deserves respect from all the members of the academic community.
Rules and Regulations
A. A student must observe the laws of the land and all laws and rules of the college.
B. He shall be subject to disciplinary action for any of the following offenses with corresponding penalties.

Offense/s Penalty/Chastisement
1. Absenteeism- successive 3-school-day absence * Letter to the parents/guardians and
and/or accumulated 5-school-day absence without it will appear on the students' certificate
valid reason. of good moral character (upon request.)

2. Cheating- the act or an instance of fraudality * 1st offense : warning
deceiving the results of examination/quizzes. 2nd offense : 1-day suspension
e.g. by merely glancing at the seatmates' paper; 3rd offense : 2-day suspension
asking for answers during examination time is 4th offense : dismissal
highly prohibited.

3. Bribery- the acts of giving favorable things like * 1st offense : warning
money to influence the judgement or conduct 2nd offense : 2-school-day suspension
of a person in a position of trust. 3rd offense : 3-school-day suspension

4. Drunkenness- coming to school under the influence * 1st offense : 1-school-day suspension
of alcohol is not allowed and will be subjected to 2nd offense : 3-school-day suspension
disciplinary action. 3rd offense : dismissal

5. Falsification of Documents- the act of making * 1st offense : 2-school-day suspension
or submitting false written materials in any dealings 2nd offense : 3-school-day suspension
with the school. 3rd offense : dismissal

6. Theft- act of getting materials or important documents, * 1st offense : 2-school-day suspension
money (of other students, school properties, and authorities) 2nd offense : dismissal

7. Guilty by Association- (by) being a member of a group, * 1st offense : warning
serving as a conspirator or felon of deeds considered 2nd offense : reprimand
by the institution as a misdemeanor. 3rd offense : 2-school-day suspension
e.g littering, causing noise, slander

8. (Acts) Resorting to Physical Force or Violence- habitual * 1st offense : 1-school-day suspension
or frequent involvement to fights, hostile encounters and 2nd offense : 2-school-day suspension
arguments. 3rd offense : dismissal

9. Possession of Drugs- attending classes under the in- * 1st offense : counseling
fluence of drugs, and/or caught possessing illegal drugs 2nd offense : dismissal
and paraphernalia.

10. Vandalism- writing unnecessary things on the walls, * 1st offense : warning
on posted school print ads and advertisements. 2nd offense : 1-school-day suspension
3rd offense : 3-school-day suspension
4th offense : dismissal

11. Possession of Deadly Weapons- anyone caught with * 1st offense : 2-school-day suspension
weapons considered fatal and baneful under the scrutiny 2nd offense : 3-school-day suspension
of the school authorities is subject to penalty. 3rd offense : dismissal

12. Gambling- illegal transactions in any forms within the * 1st offense : warning
school campus is highly prohibited. e.g. Poker games, 2nd offense : 2-school-day suspension
bingo, etc. 3rd offense : 3-school-day suspension

13. Smoking- inside the school building is highly * 1st offense : warning
prohibited. (Republic Act 9165) 2nd offense : 2-school-day suspension
3rd offense : 3-school-day suspension
4th offense : dismissal

14. Public act of indecency- any act/behavior done * 1st offense : warning
by students considered by the school authorities as 2nd offense : 2-school-day suspension
improper, indecent and against the social, professional, 3rd offense : 3-school-day suspension
and ethical standards. 4th offense : dismissal

15. Littering- to scatter or let garbage lying scattered * 1st offense : warning
about. 2nd offense : school works
3rd offense : 1-day suspension
4th offense : dismissal

16. Destruction of School Properties and/or things of * 1st offense : warning and}payment of the
school authorities and (properties of) other students. destroyed/damaged materials/things 2nd offense : }and a 2-day suspension
3rd offense : } and dismissal

17. Insubordination- disobedient to authority; * 1st offense : warning/suspension
insulting or indecent remarks to faculty or admin- depends on the degree
istrative personnel. 2nd offense : 3-day suspension
3rd offense : dismissal

18. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the school * 1st offense : warning
campus; friends (of students) are only to be entertained 2nd offense : 2-day suspension
at the school entrance. 3rd offense : 3-day suspension

19. Non-Wearing of ID/Uniform * payment of five (5) pesos/subject proceeds to Student Supreme Council Fund

20. Possession of Pornographic Literature and * 1st offense : 1-day suspension
subversive documents. 2nd offense : 2-day suspension
3rd offense : 3-day suspension
4th offense : dismissal

21. Preventing Faculty to teach, preventing students to * 1st offense : warning
attend their classes, disturbing classes or school activities. 2nd offense : 2-day suspension
3rd offense : 3-day suspension
4th offense : dismissal

22. Refusal to attend school activities. * 1st offense : warning
2nd offense : 2-day suspension
3rd offense : 3-day suspension

Prepared by: Eden Joy B. Paran
Guidance Personnel

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